Sunday, January 29, 2017


1. The first of my favorite pieces of work was Andy Warhol's rendition of The Last Supper. It was the first time I had ever seen a modern portrayal of the very historical and religious Leonardo da Vinci's piece. What I liked most about this were the colors that Warhol chose. To me, black and yellow is a very bold combination. It is striking to the eye and gives light to the entire scene leaving little to imagination for the viewer. The piece is extremely large in size and took up a good portion of the exhibit wall. Warhol's work is commonly of modern day images and everyday items. I found this to be most special because it is the least likely of subjects which I would expect of Warhol. The mirroring aspect of the image also grabbed my attention. At first look, I didn't differentiate the fact but then shortly came to terms with there being two images. I'm not sure whether this has any significant meaning or what his intentions were in doing so. This was my favorite piece in the museum because this image resonates closely with my faith. I've been exposed to this image for so long that I've began to overlook it and not pay close attention to the details. Because this portrayal displays it differently, I was able to take the time and really appreciate it more through something like a kaleidoscope. 

2. Workshop of Paolo Veronese caught my attention because of the realism aspect that it so predominately portrays. The painting looks as though it is popping out at you or that you're standing in the room of this scene. The image has so much depth and the artist does a truly amazing job of casting shadows, using contour and adding layers to make this as humanlike as possible.

3. Bust of Thetys on a Marine Background was amongst the most beautiful pieces of art I saw. I'm always intrigued by mosaics and how such intricate detail and imagery can be formed using pieces of stone. This artist in particular was limited to a small range of color yet created an image with abundant character and detail. The way he arranged them create shadow, depth and even changes in skin tone like blush on the cheek. 

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